All changes made to the client will be listed here.
If you discover a bug/glitch or something else that may need fixed please make sure to report it to us via the forums or the Contact Us link on the website.
Donations towards Tsukinoryoko are used to pay for the basic necessities to keep our server up and running, such as the VPS, server maintenance, internet connection, no advertisements, and the website/forum domain. The owners do not use the money collected from donations for their own personal use.
You will receive a in-game currency called "Donation Coupon" when donating to Tsukinoryoko, which you can only gain through donating! However, do not treat this as a purchase, for this is merely a token of our gratitude for helping Tsukinoryoko and its development.
[Donation Information Coming Soon]
Terms & Conditions
Once you have donated to Tsukinoryoko contact Chaos or Casoni with character name, quantity, and details, the Donation Coupon will be delivered to your character ASAP.
[Working on an Instant delivery]
There are absolutely NO REFUNDS, so do not expect to get your Donation Coupon or payment back for whatever reason. Also, Tsukinoryoko is not responsible if you did not read this disclaimer before donating.
Okay, I've read the Terms and Conditions,
and I'm ready to donate!
Currently, you can only donate to Tsukinoryoko through PayPal. If you have a PayPal account and would like to donate now, please click the button below. Thank you for donating!
[Button Coming Soon]
Note: The Rules listed here apply to Admins as well! Rules are subject to change at any time. All Player bans are to be logged in admin section of forum, failure to do so will result in unbanning of Player, and removal of adminship for admin that initiated ban without logging it. All Player’s Jailed are to be logged in admin section of forum, failure to do so will result in unjailing of Player, and demotion of adminship or removal of adminship depending on severity of the case.
1. No Selling or Trading items for any other currency besides in-game gold (Love Tokens) Punishment: Permanent Ban (May be deleted from database)
2. No hacking or attempting to hack other account. Punishment: Hacker is permanently banned on first offense.
3. No attempting to bypass bans. Punishment: Player is permanently banned on first offense.
4. No advertising for other games or servers. Note: This rule applies mainly to posting full IP and/or Websites. This does not apply to mentioning a private server’s name. Punishment: Player is first asked to stop. If player continues then permanent ban.
5. No duping items. Punishment: Permanent Ban (May be deleted from database)
6. No abusing glitches. Note: This applies to crashing the server repeatedly, character gain in items, ect. Punishment: Permanent Ban (May be deleted from database)
7. No lying about donations. Note: Paypal logs from who the transaction was made. Punishment: First offense 3 day ban, Second offense 7 day ban, Further offenses Permanent Ban.
8. No tricking or manipulating Admins. Punishment: Player is banned for 7 days on first offense and permanently banned on second offense.
9. No autoing, speeding, or manipulative programs/tactics. Note: Autoing is not limited to just running scripts. Autoing is a general term for usingmanipulative programs or tactics to gain levels, gold, ect. It doesn’t matter if you are AFK or not, if you are not manually pressing the ctrl key, that is considered autoing. Using an objectto hold down the attack/magic (i.e. ctrl/F1-F9) button on your keyboard is considered manipulative tactics. Multi-client is allowed but will not be supplied with Tsukinoryoko. Memory hacks such as Ghost, Status Bars staying open, Anti-AFK, Sit Delay, Quick Create, and Instant Login are acceptable, memory hacks such as Unlimited SP, Trade Delay, Freeze Weight are not permitted. The memory hack to remove flood protection is allowed so long as it is not abbused(i.e. Spamming). None of these hacks will be supplied with Tsukinoryoko. Punishment: 7 Day Ban
10. No posing as Admins in order to manipulate or scam players. Note: Admins are clearly marked on Online List and within Paperdoll with a Winged Man icon. Punishment: Player is banned 7 days on first offense, and permanently banned on second offense.
11. No scamming. Note: Dropping your item and having it picked up by another player is NOT a scam. Do not drop any item you expect to get back. Also Admins cannot help you if you are given an incorrect price check. Punishment: Player is asked first to give back item(s) they scammed. If player does not give back said item(s), they may be permanently banned. The victim may have their stolen items returned by Admin in this case (Admins can check the scammer’s Inventory/Bank for stolen items via command).
12. No racism, sexual harassment, degrading or abusive language/behavior towards another Player or Admin. Note: This is NOT limited to racist terms, but applies to gay bashing, ect. Punishment: Player is warned on first offense, muted on second offense, jailed on third offense, banned 3 days on fourth offense, banned 7 days on fifth offense, and permanently banned on further offenses.
13. No begging Players or Admins for items, levels, or Access. Punishment: Player is warned on first offense, muted on second offense, and jailed/walled on third offense. Player may be banned for up to 24 hours if begging continues after third offense.
14. No spawning in PK or Arena. Note: This refers to killing players as soon as they have warped in to either PK or Arena. Punishment: Player is warned on first offense, and jailed on second offense. Player may be banned for up to 24 hours if spawning continues after second offense.
15. No KSing other Players (Kill Stealing) Punishment: Player is first asked to stop. If they refuse, they are jailed. Player may be banned up to 24 hours if KSing continues after being jailed.
16. No selling/buying/trading accounts within Tsukinoryoko. Punishment: Player is banned for 7 days on first offense, and permanently banned on second offense.
17. No posting links to sexually explicit or disturbing material on global, public chat, or Forums. Note: this includes, but is not limited to; Shock Sites, Pornography, Malicious Sites, ect. Punishment: Player is first asked to stop, i.e. given a warning. If they refuse and/or continue, player is banned for 24 hours on first offense, 3 days on second offense, and 7 days on third offense. May also be banned from forum use.
18. No hosting “fake” events. Note: All events must be watched over by an admin, or else this rule does not apply. Punishment: The player is asked first to give the prize(s) they chose to the admin overseeing the event. If player does not hand over said prize(s), they may be permanently banned. The winner(s) of the event may have their prize(s) given to them.
19. No disturbing the peace. Note: This rule mainly applies to spamming profanity, gibberish, or any other annoying/inappropriate messages, but can be applied to other situations, as well. Punishment: Spammer is first asked to stop. If they refuse, spammer is muted on first offense, and jailed on second offense. Spammer may be banned for up to 24 hours if spamming continues after second offense.
20. No posting links to cheats, hacks, Trojan horses, or any other malicious programs. Note: This rule only applies to cheats/hacks for Tsukinoryoko, and not hacks for other games. Punishment: Player is banned for 7 days on first offense, and permanently banned on second offense.
Tsukinoryoko Staff
Casoni - Developer
Chaos - Developer
Core Development
Hollow - EOSource
Elevations - EOSource
Clive - EOSource
Sausage - EOSERV/WebCP
Apollo - EOSERV
Addison - EOSERV
Vult-r - Endless Online
Artists and Designers
Casoni - Artist
Chaos - Artist
Arvid - Artist
Terror - Artist
Laine - Artist
Sakura - Artist
Arnatuile - Artist
Cirras - Artist
Dexterity - Artist
Gabriel - Artist
Hiuru - Artist
Make - Artist
Perfect - Artist
Roefl - Artist
Ronnie - Artist
Sisamaru - Artist
Standard - Artist
Stava - Artist
Uribity - Artist
EOSERV Community - Various Artists
Special Thanks
John - Website Layout
Contact Us
About Us
Tsukinoryoko is a free MMORPG with tons of features. Choose one of many classes to follow, customize your character and chat with friends in-game, create your own guild/clan, battle monsters, learn techniques and spells, raise your own pet and use it in battle, train mining, fishing, cooking, and woodcutting skills to your advantage, obtain the best armors and weapons, become rich and famous! Sign up and download the client today!